Bryant K. Smith, “The Human Potential Specialist”, is a nationally acclaimed and award winning educator, author, speaker, trainer and workshop facilitator. He is President and CEO of Smith Consulting And Networking, a comprehensive consulting and training firm that uses lectures, workshops, and personal coaching to examine , interpret and improve people, their environments and the relationships between cultures and communities.
Born and raised on the Southside of Chicago, IL and now residing in South Carolina, Bryant incorporates lessons he learned by growing up in one of the most racially segregated cities in the nation and moving to the “New South” into much of his professional work. His personal motto, “Difficult does not equal impossible” serves as a constant reminder that hard work will always overcome hard times.
Bryant holds a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication and a Master of Science in Organizational Communication and has spent his entire professional career helping educational institutions and businesses recruit, retain, train, and support diverse students, faculty, managers and staff. A prolific lecturer, Bryant has been presenting workshops and delivering keynotes at regional and national conferences for more than 25 years. Using his uniquely engaging and thought provoking style he both challenges and excites his audience with his critical analysis and passionate delivery. “Insightful”, “Engaging”, “Deep”, and “Real” are all words his audiences use to describe their experiences with him.
Author of nine published books, including his newest commentary on race relations in the USA #BLACKNOTBLIND. Bryant is highly sought after for his work in multicultural affairs, diversity and inclusion, leadership enhancement and his male development seminars which have helped more than 5,000 males transition into their manhood. He is the creator of the award winning diversity experiential learning experience, “The Box”, and “Life Station” personal development seminars which have helped both young men and women tap into their unlimited potential. Nicknamed, “The Human Potential Specialist”, Bryant K. Smith works firmly in his purpose to “help good people to become great, and great people to become memorable”.